Safety Online for Parents and Carers

About Course

Learn How To Keep Children Safe and How To Use The Tools Available


Do you know the role online technologies play in young people’s lives and the risks they face everyday online? The difference between Roblox and Robux? We can help you understand which technologies, games, websites and apps children and young people use and why. What the risks and issues are online. 

Our online safety course provides an insight into the ever growing world of new technologies and how young people are using them. Helping you to develop an understand the dangers online and minimise the risks.

We will provide tips on how to use social networking safely, including the consequences of risky online behaviour.

We will look at the benefits of the digital world, advice on how to communicate and discuss the positives and negatives of the online world in a healthy productive and positive way.

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What Will I Learn?

  • Understand the fundamentals of safety online
  • Parenting in the digital age and the future of technology
  • Keeping safe on social media
  • Keeping safe on gaming
  • Tools you can use to keep safe

Topics for this course

23 Lessons2h


Introduction – Safety Online0:34

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How to keep our kids safe?



Family Contracts

£600.00 £4.99

Material Includes

  • 11 on-demand videos
  • 2 family contracts (Digital & printable)
  • 7 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion


  • No prior knowledge is required or assumed

Target Audience

  • Parent / guardian or teacher of children